Thursday, October 8, 2015

GD2015 Homework #5

Joshua Upton/

Homework 5
Assigned: Oct. 1, 2015
Due: Oct. 8, 2015

In this homework, we ask each of you to create a blueprint that will does something useful for your game. In your blog, please include snapshots of the blueprint, of the constructor (if used), of your object within the game, and an explanation of its planned use.

The blueprint should contain at a minimum the following components:

1) a static mesh  [20 pts]
2) one or more arithmetic operators [20 pts}
3) the blueprint must transform the object in some way (scale, translate, rotate) [20 pts]

We will assign 20 pts for the write up and 20 pts for the images you include.

I made some cubes that can be destroyed when either stepped on, shot at or dropped. The mesh breaks into smaller peices and can scatter, and each peice has its own physics. the static mesh is a small cube, that can simulate possible mines, if we decide to add an explosion to the mesh breaking, and causing damage, or the mesh could be used as a basis for decoration or environment destruction.

1. This is the mesh:  Its a small static mesh, that when either dropped, shot, or stepped on is destroyed and causes player damage.

2. arithmetic operators. (sorry for bad quality, screen capture on my laptop is running strange)

Youtube link for better quality on the sequence.:

3. the blueprint causes the object to shatter into many different peices and give each piece velocity.

Quick demonstration of what happens when a character run over the object.     

Planned use. Once the character hud is finished, this can be used as a sort of trap in the game that the player has to avoid, otherwise it will cause damage to the player. This could act as a minefield, or as some sort of falling attack from above that the player has to dodge, or else it will injure the player. the arithmetic sequence will allow for sound effects, particle effects (explosions ect.) but for now it a simple destruction that has peices that each have there own velocities.

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